Saturday, 19 November 2011

Anna Calvi: "Anna Calvi"

Released: 2011

Anna Calvi is from London, which can mean only one thing: Danny Dyer needs to review this album.

"Do I look like a mug? Cus I is a cockerney geezer ya fink I is gonna give it all that about any old London shite? Yeah? Whatevs, I'll do it one facking last time you slags. Anna Calvi, never 'eard of 'er. Quite tasty, like. Yeah, I could like this bird, deffo. Don't know about the fackin' music though, too much fackin' faffin' about. Get rid of the flamenco bollocks for a start, that went out about 200 fackin' years ago or sumfin. An' put the geetar away luv, no-one likes a tart on an instrument. Put some fackin' hotpants on and dance for it, like Kylie or Beyonce or shit like that. Now fack off. I'm tryin' to make a film about cockerney fackin' gangstas or some shit like that. You're a big bunch of slags, all of yer, and you're all gettin' right on my nut. Sometimes I get so lonely."

Best Song: Blackout

Rating: 4.5/5

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