Tuesday 3 July 2012

Euro 2012 Round-Up

So, Spain won it... it was pretty easy in the final, with Italy folding like a pack of cards, and ending the game with only 10 men after Motta went off injured and the Azzuri had no subs left.

How were my predictions? Well, I got 50% of the quarter finallists, 50% of the semi-finallists and 50% of the finallists correct. I predicted a German win but they were too cocky and got spanked by Italy in the semi-final.

How was the tournament? Like the past few championships, the group stage was very entertaining but the knock-out stages were largely underwhelming, with the odd exception.

However, before everyone says how great everything in Spanish sport is, let's remember that Spain's fans have already been fined for racist abuse during this tournament...

Then there was a questionable advert that Pepe Reina did before the tournamnent...

And the game between Spain and England in 2004...

Oh yeah, then there's the Spanish basketball team...

And Spanish Formula 1 fans...

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